Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.

Summary of features

Online interaction with users through comments, feedback and user communities can be very useful for web page developers. It can help in creating a community feeling and in building loyalty towards a web page or a brand. With this in mind, eZ Publish is setup with an enhanced feature for users to comment on website content.

eZ Comments is a response to customer requests for improved functionality, strengthening feedback, creating user communities and promoting user generated content. With this feature also comes a notification system, which allows users to be notified and alerted on comments posted on the content they commented earlier. The importance of interactive feedback between the users and readers of a web page and it's creators may not be underestimated, therefore eZ Comments can be a very handy tool.

Summary of features

eZ Comments introduces a number features which extend the functionality for commenting on content online. These features are the following:

  • the possibility of editing own & others comments
  • better anonymous users handling
  • improved control over subscriptions to follow comments via notifications
  • developer options regarding the comments form
  • administrator options for good access and restriction policies
  • administrator options for editing and deleting comments.

Commenting can be done on any type of eZ Publish content, like articles, blogs, images etc.

Note: To ensure optimal use of these features, the administrator should setup the system with users, roles, permissions and restrictions once eZ Comment is successfully installed. The content pages also needs to be set up for commenting. Please read more about this in the administrator options.

Geir Arne Waaler (03/03/2010 10:02 am)

Geir Arne Waaler (18/03/2010 2:46 pm)


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