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eZ Publish (5.x)

eZ Publish 5.x | For eZ Platform & eZ Studio topics see Technical manual and User manual, for eZ Publish 4.x and Legacy topics see eZ Publish legacy

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eZ Publish software is built to rely on existing technologies and standards, mainly:

  • PHP scripting language (5.3/5.4/5.5, minimum 5.3.3)

  • SQL database (MySql or Postgres)

  • XHTML version 1.0 / HTML 5

  • XML 1.0

  • Java JRE 1.7 (Oracle-Sun/OpenJDK) when Solr is used (by eZ Find search engine and/or Preview if the new Solr search handler for API)

These are the main components, for more details, please consult documentation for in-depth information.

To answer the question "Is my platform supported by eZ Publish", several things must be taken into consideration to determining whether a platform is supported or not, and how. The following tables gives you the details of the platform requirements for the latest eZ Publish release.

Supported stacks

Reference Stack

The most safe stack for eZ Publish Platform. The stack is supported and certified for eZ Publish Platform 5. This means that our QA certification team has successfully run intensive certification tests on the platform, and that we can fully support the platform in the scope of an eZ Publish Subscription.

The reference stack for eZ Publish Platform 5 is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. The detail of the stack can be seen in the table below.





  • Red Hat RHEL 6.x latests stable (tested on 6.5)

Web Server

  • Apache 2.2.15 (pre-fork mode) (rhel6 package)
Symfony Web Framework (* )
  • Latest stable version of Symfony 2.3.x with Twig


  • MySQL 5.1 (rhel6 package)

PHP (mod_php) + PHP CLI

  • PHP 5.3.3 (rhel6 packages)

PHP + PHP CLI extensions

  • APC 3.1.9 (rhel6 packages)
  • bz2
  • Curl
  • dom
  • exif
  • fileinfo
  • ftp
  • gd
  • Iconv
  • json
  • mbstring
  • memcache -> memcached (only for cluster mode, see 5.3.4 Release notes (#3))
  • Database:
    • MySQL:
      • mysqli (LS)
      • pdo-mysql (5.x)
  • pecl_http
    • Required by ezphttprequest used by ezodoscope & eZ Recommendation
  • pcntl
  • pcre
  • posix
  • reflection
  • simplexml
  • spl
  • ssl
  • xmlreader
  • xsl
  • zlib
  • php-intl

Graphic Handler

  • ImageMagick 6.5.4 (rhel6 packages)


  • OpenOffice 3.2.1 (rhel6 packages)

eZ Publish extensions

  • eZ Online Editor LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Website Interface LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Flow LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Find LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Google Maps Location LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Star Rating LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Website Toolbar LS 5.3.0
  • eZ LS 5.3.0
  • eZ MB Password Expiry LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Multiupload LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Survey LS 5.3.0
  • eZ JSCore LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Script Monitor LS 5.3.0
  • eZ SI LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Style Editor LS 5.3.0
  • eZ XML Export LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Image Editor LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Network LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Form Token LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Content Staging LS 5.3.0
  • eZ Autosave LS 5.3.0
  • eZ REST API Provider LS 5.3.0

Cluster mode

  • eZDFSFileHandler (mysqli) + Linux NFS
  • Persistence cache configured with Memcache
  • HTTP cache configured to use Varnish

File system

  • Linux ext4

Approved stacks

These stacks are also tested, however not as extensively as our reference stack. These stacks still benefit from the full support and maintenance guarantees provided with the eZ Publish Platform Subscription, but more issues might occur during normal operations and issues might take longer to resolve. However these setups will most likely give you noticeable more performance than the stock packages provided by RHEL 6.x currently, especially if MySql 5.6 or MariaDB 5.5 is used.

The supported non-reference stacks for eZ Publish Platform 5 are mainly:

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS (with same packages as reference platform above)

The details of the approved stacks can be seen in the table below, everything uses officially packages unless mentioned otherwise. 




Operating system

  • Debian 7
  • Ubuntu 14.04LTS

Web Server

  • Apache 2.2.x (prefork mode)
  • Nginx 1.4.x
  • Apache 2.4 (prefork mode)
Symfony Web Framework (* )
  • Latest stable version of Symfony 2.3.x with Twig
  • Latest stable version of Symfony 2.3.x with Twig


  • MySQL 5.5.x
  • PostgreSQL 9.x
  • MySQL 5.6
  • MariaDB 5.5

PHP (mod_php) + PHP CLI + apache

  • PHP 5.4.4
  • PHP 5.5.9 (php5-fpm on Nginx, libapache2-mod-php5 on Apache)


  • APC 3.1.13-1 (tested with Debain package)
  • bz2
  • Curl
  • dom
  • exif
  • fileinfo
  • ftp
  • gd
  • Iconv
  • json
  • mbstring
  • memcached (only for cluster mode)
  • Database:
    • MySQL:
      • mysqli (LS)
      • pdo-mysql (5.x)
    • Postgres:
      • pgsql (LS)
      • pdo-pgsql (5.x)
  • pecl_http
    • Required by ezphttprequest used by ezodoscope & eZ Recommendation
  • pcntl
  • pcre
  • posix
  • reflection
  • simplexml
  • spl
  • ssl
  • xmlreader
  • xsl
  • zlib
  • php-intl
  • bz2
  • Curl
  • dom
  • exif
  • fileinfo
  • ftp
  • gd
  • Iconv
  • json
  • mbstring
  • memcached (only for cluster mode)
  • Database:
  • MySQL:
    • mysqli (LS)
    • pdo-mysql (5.x)
  • pecl_http
    • Required by ezphttprequest used by ezodoscope & eZ Recommendation
  • pcntl
  • pcre
  • posix
  • reflection
  • simplexml
  • spl
  • ssl
  • xmlreader
  • xsl
  • zlib
  • php-intl

Graphic Handler

  • ImageMagick >= 6.4.x
  • GD2 ( PHP extension )

eZ Publish extensions

  • Same as Reference platform (see above)

Cluster mode

  • eZDFSFileHandler (mysqli) + Linux NFS
  • Persistence cache configured with Memcache[d]
  • HTTP cache configured to use Varnish


  • Linux ext3 / ext4

*: to ease developer and administrator life, the latest stable version of the Symfony framework is bundled with the eZ Publish release.
eZ support eZ Publish only when used with the latest maintenance version of Symfony within the version specified above, new maintenance versions are announced by Symfony and provided via composer. Symfony is not supported directly by eZ within eZ Publish Enterprise Subscriptions, however contact your eZ Systems representative for alternatives.

Compatible platforms

eZ Publish can run and execute on many more platforms than the ones listed above, including (but not limited to) the operating systems listing below if they pass the Symfony requirements, and using cache solutions technically supported by Stash.

However, eZ Systems doesn't insure and guarantee quality operation of an eZ Publish Platform installation if it is running on any platform not listed as supported. eZ Publish Enterprise Subscriptions are still available for compatible platforms, but the guarantee and the product support will not apply and although you will receive various maintenance releases and services, no bug fix guarantee will apply to issues related to the platform. Maintenance and monitoring tools will not be available. eZ Systems does not advise merely compatible platforms for production use.

Compatible platform:

  • Most Linux operating system (Fedora, Arc, CoreOs...)
  • Solaris
  • OpenSolaris
  • Windows Vista/7/2008 (some issue might occur related to third party composer libraries, contact these for fixes if that is the case)
  • Mac OS X server 

Supported browsers

eZ Publish is developed to work properly and support the following browser configurations for administrator users:

  • Mozilla® Firefox®, most recent stable version (tested on Firefox 29). eZ makes every effort to test and support the most recent version of Firefox. 

  • Google Chrome™, most recent stable version (tested on chrome 35). Chrome applies updates automatically; eZ makes every effort to test and support the most recent version.

  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® versions 9, 10 and 11. We recommend using the latest version (11).

  • Apple® Safari® 6.2 / 7.0 on Mac OS X. Apple Safari on iOS isn’t supported for admin backend.

Please note that the user interface will display and behave optimally in any browser that supports HTML 5, CSS 3 and ECMAScript 5. If these technologies are not supported the system will gracefully appear with simpler design/layout but will still be accessible through standard/default HTML elements.



  1. Ezpublish is not compatible with MariaDB. Numbering is different in MariaDb and that produce a warning.Epublish consider it as a fatal error.

  2. Which version are you using, from where, how are your mariadb settings configured, and which part of eZ Publish are you using to reproduce this?

    In other words, please report this in the issue tracker. As this page states we support MariaDB 5.5 as of version 5.3+ / 2014.05+, if that is not the case then we have ourselves an issue.