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A Content item can be placed in different Locations in the Content tree.


A Content item in itself does not have a place in the Content tree and is not visible for a visitor of the website. To take its place in the website it has to be assigned a Location ID.

A single Content item can have more than one Location ID, that is, it will be shown in more than one place in the Content tree. A single Location, however, can only have one Content item in it.

Even if a Content item is placed in more than one Location, one Location is always selected as the main. Assigning Locations to Content happens in the Content mode interface(old).

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Assigning Location to Content

To assign a Location to a Content item:

1. In the Content mode go to the Content item you want to modify.

2. Go to the Location tab.

3. Click Add location.

4. In the Universal Discovery Widget navigate to the Location you want to assign to the Content, click Choose this content and confirm with Confirm selection.

The new Location appears in the list in the Locations tab.


Hiding and Revealing Content

To hide a Content item:

1. In the Content mode go to the Content item you want to modify.

2. Go to the Location tab.

3. Click Hide next to the Content item you want to hide.

The Content item's Visibility changes to Hidden.

To reveal a Content item:

1. In the Content mode go to the Content item you want to modify.

2. Go to the Location tab.

3. Click Reveal next to the Content item you want to reveal.

The Content item's Visibility changes to Visible.


If you hide a Location, all of its Sub-items will be hidden as well (with a status of "Hidden by superior").


Swapping Locations


To swap Locations of two Content items:

1. In the Content mode go to the first Content item you want to swap.

2. Go to the Location tab.

3. Click Select Content Item under Content Location Swap.

4. In the Universal Discovery Widget navigate to the second Content item you want to swap, click Choose this content and confirm with Confirm selection.

The Content items in the two selected Locations are swapped.