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Only once content is published is it available for visitors of your website to see.


Created content must be published to be accessible for visitors. You can create and edit content in draft form and only publish it when it is finished.

In this topic



Saving and Publishing Content

In order to finish editing a Content item you can do one of the following things:

  • Save your changes - click the Save button in the menu.
  • Publish the new Content - click the Publish button in the menu.
  • V1.7 EZ ENTERPRISESet up Content publication for the future - click the Publish later button in the menu.
  • Discard changes - click the Discard changes button in the menu.


If you do not have the option to publish a Content item, it means you might only have the permission to edit content, but not to make it public. This can be used in conjunction with the Content review workflow to make sure what what you create is reviewed before publishing

You will not be able to save a draft of a Landing Page if the configuration of all blocks is not complete.

Difference between saving and publishing

The Save function allows you to save the current working copy into a draft to potentially reuse it later. The new version will not be published and will be invisible on the site or through the API.

After saving the draft you need to exit the editing mode by clicking the X button in the upper right corner. Clicking Discard changes will remove your current draft, even if you had saved it before.

The Publish function allows you to publish the final version of the content object. As a result the working copy turns into a published version that is visible on the site and available through the API as a published content.


Date-based publishing


If you have eZ Enterprise, you have an additional option of setting up Content publication in the future.

Click Publish Later in the menu on the right. You will see a Future publication setting window.

Future publication settings window

Choose a date from the calendar widget and select a time. The content will be published at this specified date and time.


Removing or changing publication date

If you had planned a future publication date and enter the edit mode of the same Content item, you also have a new option in the menu: Discard Publish Date. Click it to remove the previously selected publication date.

You can also click Publish Later again to set a different future publication date.


What next?

See how Locations are assigned to Content items.