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This page contains a reference of Field Types used in eZ Platform.
Field Types were known as DataTypes in legacy eZ Publish. If you would like more details about them, please refer to the 4.x DataTypes reference documentation page.

For the general Field Type documentation see Field Type API and best practices.

If you are looking for the documentation on how to implement a custom Field Type, see Field Type Tutorial.

A Field Type is the smallest possible entity of storage. It determines how a specific type of information should be validated, stored, retrieved, formatted and so on. eZ Platform comes with a collection of fundamental types that can be used to build powerful and complex content structures. In addition, it is possible to extend the system by creating custom Field Types for special needs. Custom Field Types have to be programmed in PHP. However, the built-in Field Types are usually sufficient enough for typical scenarios. The following table gives an overview of the supported Field Types that come with eZ Platform.


FieldTypeDescriptionSearchable in Legacy Storage engine
AuthorStores a list of authors, each consisting of author name and author email.No
BinaryFileStores a file.Yes
CheckboxStores a boolean value.Yes
CountryStores country names as a string.Yes
DateAndTimeStores a full date including time information.Yes
DateStores date information.Yes
EmailAddressValidates and stores an email address.Yes
FloatValidates and stores a decimal value.No
ImageValidates and stores an image.No
IntegerValidates and stores an integer value.Yes
ISBNHandles International Standard Book Number (ISBN) in 10-digit or 13-digit format.Yes
KeywordStores keywords.No
MapLocationStores map coordinates.Yes, with MapLocationDistance criterion
MatrixAvailable via community Bundle: 
MediaValidates and stores a media file.No
NullUsed as fallback for missing Field Types and for testing purposes.No
PageUsed to manage display zones and blocks in a page (formerly known as eZ Flow datatype).No
PriceAvailable via community Bundle: 
RatingStores a rating.No
RelationValidates and stores a relation to a Content item.Yes, with both Field and FieldRelation criterions
RelationListValidates and stores a list of relations to Content items.Yes, with FieldRelation criterion
SelectionValidates and stores a single selection or multiple choices from a list of options.Yes
Selection2Available via community Bundle: 
TagsAvailable via community Bundle: 
TextBlockValidates and stores a larger block of text.No
TextLineValidates and stores a single line of text.Yes
TimeStores time information.Yes
UrlStores a URL / address.No
UserValidates and stores information about a user.No
XmlTextValidates and stores multiple lines of formatted text.Yes


Known missing Field Types

The following Field Types are configured using Null Field Type to avoid exceptions if they exists in your database, but their functionality is currently not known to be implemented out of the box or by the community:

EZP-20112 - Some Shop FieldTypes are not supported by Public API Backlog

EZP-20115 - eZ Identifier FieldType not supported by Public API Backlog

EZP-20114 - Deprecated FieldTypes (ezenum, ezinisetting, ezpackage) not supported by Public API Closed

EZP-20116 - eZ SubtreeSubscription FieldType not supported by Public API Closed

EZP-20117 - eZ Survey FieldType not supported by Public API Closed

EZP-20118 - eZ Password Expiry FieldType not supported by Public API Backlog


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