Template fetch functions


attribute_list Fetches the attributes of a class.
latest_list Fetches the most recently modified classes.
list Fetches a collection of classes.
override_template_list Fetches the override rules associated with a class.


group_tree Not documented yet.
item_count Fetches the number of collaboration items
item_list Fetches the list of collaboration items
message_list Not documented yet.
participant Not documented yet.
participant_list Not documented yet.
participant_map Not documented yet.
tree_count Not documented yet.


access Checks if the current user has access to a given function.
bookmarks Fetches the bookmarks of the current user.
calendar This function fetches the date time list when objects were published.
can_instantiate_classes Checks if the current user is allowed to create nodes.
can_instantiate_class_list Fetches the classes that the current user can create objects of.
class Fetches a content class.
class_attribute Fetches an attribute of a content class.
class_attribute_list Fetches the attributes of a class.
collected_info_collection Fetches an information collection.
collected_info_count Fetches the number of collections that match a certain criteria.
collected_info_count_list Fetches the number of times different values were collected.
contentobject_attributes Fetches the attributes of an object's version (and translation).
country_list Fetches the list of countries specified in the "country.ini" configuration file.
draft_count Fetches the number of drafts that belong to the current user.
draft_version_list Fetches the drafts that belong to the current user.
keyword Fetches nodes that use keywords starting with a given sequence.
keyword_count Fetches the number of nodes that use certain keywords. Only nodes that are main locations for content objects are counted.
list Fetches the children of a node or a collection of nodes.
list_count Fetches the number of children of a node.
locale Fetches the current or a specified locale.
locale_list Fetches the available locales.
navigation_part Fetches information about a navigation part.
navigation_parts Fetches all available navigation parts.
node Fetches a node (identified by either an ID number or a path).
node new Fetches a node (identified by either an ID number or a path).
non_translation_list Fetches locales that a version of an object may be translated into.
object Fetches a content object (specified by an ID number).
object new Fetches a content object (specified by an ID number).
object_by_attribute DEPRECATED
object_count_by_user_id Fetches the number of objects (of a class) created by a user.
pending_count Fetches the number of pending objects for the current user.
pending_list Fetches the pending objects for the current user.
recent Fetches nodes where the current user recently published something.
related_objects Fetches related objects.
related_objects new Fetches related objects.
related_objects_count Fetches the number of related objects.
reverse_related_objects Fetches reverse related objects.
reverse_related_objects_count Fetches the number of reverse related objects.
same_classattribute_node Fetches nodes containing attributes that match a certain value.
search Fetches nodes containing data that match a certain criteria.
section_list Fetches the available sections.
tipafriend_top_list Fetches the most popular (most tipped) nodes.
translation_list Fetches the locales that can be used to translate objects.
trash_count Fetches the number of objects that are in the trash.
trash_object_list Fetches the objects that are in the trash.
tree Fetches the children of a node recursively.
tree_count Fetches the number of children of a node recursively.
version Fetches a specific version of an object.
version_count Fetches the number of versions of a content object.
version_list Fetches all the versions of a content object.
view_top_list Fetches the most popular (most viewed) nodes.


sitedesign_list DEPRECATED (Fetches the names of the currently used designs.)


digest_handlers Fetches the notification handlers for the notification items that should be sent as digest to the current user.
digest_items Fetches notification items that should be sent as digest to the current user.
event_content Fetches the contents of the notification event.
handler_list Fetches the available notification handlers.
subscribed_nodes Fetches nodes that the current user has subscribed to.
subscribed_nodes_count Fetches the number of nodes that the current user has subscribed to.


can_create Not documented yet.
can_edit Not documented yet.
can_export Not documented yet.
can_import Not documented yet.
can_install Not documented yet.
can_list Not documented yet.
can_read Not documented yet.
can_remove Not documented yet.
dependent_list Not documented yet.
item Not documented yet.
list Not documented yet.
maintainer_role_list Not documented yet.
repository_list Not documented yet.


list Fetches the phrases that have been searched ordered by their usage frequency.
list_count Fetches the number of unique phrases that have been searched.


object Fetches a section.
object_list Fetches objects that belong to certain section.
object_list_count Fetches the number of objects that belong to certain section.
roles Fetches roles that have at least one policy limited to a certain section.
user_roles Fetches users and/or user groups with role limitations related to a certain section.


basket Fetches the current user's shopping basket.
best_sell_list Fetches the most popular / most sold products.
currency Fetches a currency object.
currency_list Fetches the available currencies.
preferred_currency_code Fetches the current user's preferred currency.
product_category Fetches a product category.
product_category_list Fetches the available product categories.
related_purchase Fetches products that were purchased together with a given product.
wish_list Fetches the products of a given wishlist.
wish_list_count Fetches a wishlist and returns the number of items in it.


list Fetches the URLs that are stored in the URL table.
list_count Fetches the number of URLs that are stored in the URL table.


anonymous_count Fetches the number of anonymous users.
current_user Fetches the user that is currently logged in.
has_access_to Checks if a user has access to a certain function of a module.
is_logged_in Checks if a specific user is logged in.
logged_in_count Fetches the number of users that are logged in.
logged_in_list Fetches the names of the users that are logged in.
logged_in_users Fetches the users that are logged in.
member_of Fetches the roles that are assigned to a user.
user_role Fetches the policies that are available for a user.

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