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eZ Platform and eZ Studio introduce a whole new user interface and several new features. This section will attempt to give an overview of the migration process.

Changes overview

Incompatibilities with legacy

eZ Platform and eZ Studio represent the 6th generation of eZ Publish, and while the 5th generation had a major focus on backwards code compatibility with the 3rd and 4th generations (legacy), the 6th generation does not.

The 6th generation is aimed at being fully backwards compatible on the following:

  • Content from 4th and later 5th generation installation
  • Code from 5th generation system when written for Platform (Symfony) stack

The specific incompatibilities

The specific changes that will be migrated and are incompatible with legacy are: 

  • XmlText fields have been replaced with a new RichText field
  • Page field (ezflow) has been replaced by the LandingPage field, and is now provided by our commercial product eZ Studio
  • Incremental future improvements to the database schema to improve features and scalability of the content repository 

Together these major improvements make it practically impossible to run eZ Platform side by side with eZ Publish legacy, like it was possible in 5.x series. For these reasons we recommend that you use eZ Publish Enterprise 5.4  (which is supported until end of 2021) if you don't have the option to remake your web application yet, or want to do it gradually.

Migration Path

From legacy (4.x or 5.x) to Platform stack (5.4/2014.11)

If you are coming directly from legacy (4.x), you need to follow the best practice 5.x Platform migration path and do the following:

  • Rewrite custom Field Types for the new Platform stack, see Field Type Tutorial
  • Rewrite custom web front end to use the new Platform/Symfony stack, see Beginner Tutorial
  • Rewrite custom admin modules to use the new Platform/Symfony stack

See Upgrade documentation on how to perform the actual upgrade: Upgrade (eZ Publish Platform page)

From Platform stack (5.4/2014.11) to eZ Platform / eZ Studio

As eZ Platform and eZ Studio introduced completely new user interfaces with greatly improved user experience, the following custom developments needs to be made if you have customization needs:

  • Write UI code for custom Field Types for the new Javascript-based editorial interface, see Extending PlatformUI and Extending Studio UI
  • Adjust custom admin modules for the new Symfony-based admin interface, PLANNED TUTORIAL FOR 2016

For a detailed guide through these developments see Upgrading from 5.4.x and 2014.11 to 16.xx WILL BE AVAILABLE TOGETHER WITH 16.02 RELEASE