Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.


As mentioned before eZ Teamroom includes several useful tools to successfully plan, manage and finish projects. In this chapter the specific eZ Teamroom features are explained. How to use the features is addressed in the chapter "Use". Besides these features the generic functions such as classification in categories, use of keywords, full-text search, standard user-guidance and online help are of course available.

Personal page

After logging in, each user is provided with a personal page and user-specific content. Amongst other things users have an overview of all teamrooms which they are members of.

Update notification

A messaging function allows users to stay informed of issues and changes made in their projects. Latest entries or updates are displayed in the boxes on the user page, but users are also able to request to be notified by email if anything changes regarding a specific item. All they must do is click on the Keep me updated button available on any blog, task, milestone or file page.

Teamroom Frontpage

Just like every user has his own personal page, each teamroom has a frontpage. A Teamroom frontpage could look something like this:

The teamroom frontpage is also different for every user, because the user himself decides which blogposts, wiki's, calendar posts or other information will be displayed on the frontpage. Included on the page is a list of all team members, which ensures an easy overview of all existing members. Based on this new members can be invited to join the teamroom and existing members removed. Members also have specific rights assigned to them per teamroom and the possibility exists to appoint a teamleader who will receive extended rights. Managing these user rights can only be done by the moderator.

Task management

Task management is essential in every project and as such it is an important part of eZ Teamroom. Tasks can be created, managed and assigned to member(s). All planned activities, track progress, priorities, milestones, deadlines and tasks are visible for all members.

Milestones and Calender

With all projects come planning, milestones and deadlines. The milestone feature allows users to sum up tasks and important deliveries for an intermediate deadline. Also included is the possibility to adapt and reschedule tasks. To oversee events, eZ Teamroom is set up with a common calendar function where team members can share and keep track of events, tasks and milestones. All members are able to create new events, milestones and tasks which are automatically displayed in the common calendar for all team members to see.

Document management

Besides task management, document management is also provided to ensure that team members have access to all documents which are related to their project. The possibility of version control exists which allows users to view or download for example an older version of a document. On the Files page of any accessible teamroom, a list shows the files related to that teamroom. Files can easily be uploaded one by one or simultaneously.

Message board and Blog

eZ Teamroom is setup with a Message board on which team members can voice their opinions on the project, write entries and post comments. The blog functions can also be used for the same purpose.

Information Base or Wiki

A resource pool is an important part of a project. In eZ Teamroom there is an information base or wiki providing knowledge to enable users to find resources quickly. This knowledge base is where team members collect, comment, combine and use information pertaining to the project. The functionality is set up with an open, editable structure, so that team members can influence the structure of the knowledge base.

Ester Heylen (26/02/2010 2:15 pm)

Ester Heylen (25/03/2010 3:17 pm)


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