Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.

eZ XML Installer

The eZ XML Installer extension is a platform to define processes for eZ Publish and execute them. Processes will be defined in XML and this XML can be provided as completed XML or as eZ Publish Template. XML is a set of actions, and each action is bundled to a handler which will process the action. It is possible to extend the set of handlers by adding custom handers. These handlers are implemented:

  • ezaddlocation: Add a new location of an object
  • ezassignroles: Assign a role to a user/group with or without limitations
  • ezcreateclass: Create a new class
  • ezcreatecontent: Create various content
  • ezcreaterole: Create roles
  • ezcreatesection: Create sections
  • ezcreateworkflow: Create workflows and assign workflows to trigger
  • ezhideunhide: Hide or show content
  • ezmodifycontent: Modify existing content
  • ezproccessinformation: Display information texts during processing
  • ezsendemail: Send an email
  • ezsetsettings: Modify settings

For more information please visit the eZ project page. For more information regarding the use of the eZ XML Installer extension, e.g. how to create a custom process XML file or template file, please read the README file available at (eZ Publish) extension\ezxmlinstaller\doc.

Ester Heylen (04/03/2010 5:14 pm)

Ester Heylen (25/03/2010 2:15 pm)


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