Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.

Creating teamrooms

The Create Teamroom box located on each user page allows any user to create a new teamroom. Note that when a user creates a teamroom he is made its owner and moderator by default, but this can be changed afterwards.

The following page is displayed next, where the creator can add the teamroom name and description as well as specifying Access Type and preferred features.


A teamroom can have one of three Access Types. This is a mandatory field so it must be selected at creation, but it can easily be altered afterwards:

  • Public: a public teamroom is accessible and visible to any user who is given access rights to that teamroom.
  • Protected: a secured teamroom is open and visible for all to see, but every user has to ask for authorisation rights before they can access the teamroom.
  • Private: only invited users will see a private teamroom and be able to access its contents.

If needed, the access type can be changed. The moderator or owner can go to the teamroom page and use the Modify Teamroom link in the This Teamroom box.
Following a successful installation of any type of teamroom the moderator will be informed by email when the system is finished creating the new teamroom. Until the teamroom setup in completed nothing can be done in the teamroom.

After the creating a teamroom, the teamroom is pending. Teamrooms which are still pending, will be listed amongst the available teamrooms, but are accompanied by an (*).
In order to immediately complete the creation process, the system administrator can run cronjobs with the following script from the root of the eZ Publish directory:

php runcronjobs.php -s ezteamroom frequent

Ester Heylen (08/03/2010 5:39 pm)

Ester Heylen (31/03/2010 9:59 am)


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