Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.

Managing teamrooms

Member management

Once the teamroom is completely set up, the moderator can invite users to participate and define the rights of each user in the teamroom. For example, the moderator can give other users moderator rights or prevent a user from being able to read documents.

Inviting members

Only the teamroom moderator can invite new members to join the teamroom from the teamroom page, by selecting Invite new member in the This Teamroom box (if you are only a member and not the moderator you will not see the same box):

Next the following page will be displayed, where the moderator needs to search or browse for the users he wishes to add. To use the search function, type the email address of the user and click on the Search user button. If the address is correct, the users will be added to the list Selected Users on the right hand side. After selecting all the users you wish to add, simply click on the Send invitation button to invite the user(s).

Membership rights

As mentioned before there are three types of teamrooms: Public, Protected and Private.
A public teamroom is open for all users with an user ID and a password, so any user can read most of its content. Still it is possible for a user to join the teamroom, either by requesting membership or through invitation. A protected teamroom is available for all to see, but users need authorization in order to actually join and have access to the room. Unlike the public or protected teamroom, a private teamroom is not visible to all. Only team members can see and access it.
The moderator of the teamroom is able to manage the rights of the teamroom members by selecting Manage member in the This Teamroom box, as shown here:

The following page, Teamroom policy management, will then be displayed, where the moderator can set the different rights for each member simply by (un)checking the checkboxes. Note that although a moderator can grant another user (co)moderator rights, he cannot remove another moderator from his moderator function.

The system administrator is also able to adjust the roles and policies of members through the Administrator Interface. Under the User Account tab click on the Roles and Policies link in the Access Control section on the left hand side. Please visit the eZ Publish Access Control chapter for more information.

Modifying teamrooms

By clicking on the modify teamroom link in the This Teamroom box on the teamroom page, the moderator will be able to alter the name, access type, description and feature list. The edit Teamroom page is the same as the Create Teamroom page.

Deleting a teamroom

Any user with moderator rights can delete his teamroom. On the teamroom page, the moderator will find the This Teamroom box where he can select the Remove this teamroom option as shown in the next screenshot.

Next the moderator will be asked to confirm this request and whether the removed teamroom should be placed in the trash or deleted completely. The following screenshot gives you an idea of how this might look.

Ester Heylen (23/03/2010 4:15 pm)

Ester Heylen (23/03/2010 4:37 pm)


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